Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Edible treats from lands quite far away


Those of you that read this little blog regularly will know that I have a real love of Middle Eastern food (my mouth is watering just thinking about it).

On a recent trip to Manchester I was deliriously excited when I spotted this in one of the little shops I go to when visiting "up north"

Falalfel mix with a free falafel mould There are 2 packs of falalfel mix - and the whole lot cost less than 3 quid!!!

Here is the mould in more detail, it comes with a little spatula as well

I was also lucky enough recently to receive some lovely Arabic-style coffee - real rocket fuel this

And last, but by no means least, a box of scrummy, delicious baklava

All the way from the beautiful Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  I love the pictures on the box.  I have been fortunate enough to have visited Petra - what can I say?  Words and pictures simply cannot come anywhere near describing how awe-sinspiringly beautiful it is - to say it is breathtaking is the most massive understatement.

Dont think any of these treats will hang around very long...



  1. What a fun post and it sounds like a great place to visit. Enjoy all your yummies!

  2. Well they look yummy - are they similar to doughnuts........?
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Re Aztec bars I loved them,there should be a bring back the oldies campaign.
    Rather fancy the falafel maker.

  4. Wow - lovely looking goodies, enjoy! x


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