Thursday, 14 April 2011

Springtime crochet jewellery

 Hi everyone, hope your day is going well!  I have been trying out a new way of using crochet, namely making bracelets in spring-time colours. 

I love both designs, but cant chose my favourite!  These are all destined to become gifts for some of my favourite young ladies, but Im beginning to wonder - should I set myself up with an Etsty or Folksy shop to see if these might sell?  Which is best - Etsy or Folksy?  What are the pros and cons of each?

I would be so pleased if you could give me some feedback!



  1. I just love all of those - don't rule out a Facebook shop - free - simple to use - me and my girls buy a great deal of home made crafts that others make and we enjoy form there. As for Esty/Folksy - positive and negative with both - the English site is Folksy - we tend to use that more. S X

  2. Very pretty! No advice really I'm afraid on the Folksy/etsy debate tho, since I don't have shops on either, though the only one I've ever bought off is Folksy - think if I was to open another online shop, it would be Folksy I would go with, especially as I don't ship worldwide at mo! Jenny x

  3. Hello Helen.

    Sorry I've not popped by before now. Thank you so much for the blog award - I'm tickled pink, bless you!

    Love your pretty wrist straps. I'm always drawn to pink so, if I had to choose, I think that would have to be my favourite!

    I would personally recommend you trying a Folksy shop first. I think mainly because it is on a smaller scale than Etsy and UK based.

    Hope helps and thank you again! x

    Heather x

  4. Helo Helen! I'm on Etsy! I love your crochet goods...try there, Etsy! hugs from Sao Paulo, Brazil...excuse my bad english...

  5. Lovely bracelets! The girls will love them.

    Oh and I am not the one to answer your question regarding etsy/folksy. Isn't folksy the UK version of etsy? Well you see, I really don't know...

    Have a lovely day and thanks again for your sweet comments on creJJtion!
    Love, Maaike


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