Sunday, 5 February 2012

24 years ago today...

...DH and I got married!

And on Saturday evening darling daughter built these:

She then came back in and said she had made snowpeople to represent us - Im obviously the slimmmer snowperson ;)

The snow is still falling thick and fast:

I loved the way the flash picks out the snowflakes

We are hoping it will still be around in the morning so that we can go out for a walk in a winter wonderland.  I thought we would be in for a spell of cold weather when the fieldfares started to arrive a couple of days ago - they have virtually eaten all the berries on our rowan tree.

Keep warm, and enjoy the rest of the weekend!



  1. Happy Anniversary to you both! And enjoy your "winter wonderland" walk!

  2. Helen, Happy Anniversary to you both! 24 years is a fantastic thing to celebrate in this day and age. Lovely pictures of the snow. Congrats,

  3. May you have many more happy years together!


  4. Happy Anniversary. x 24 years is fantastic. x love the snow people.

  5. Many congratulations on 24 years, that's so wonderful. Shhhhh! It's our 25th this year!

  6. Happy anniversary
    Its cold here but we havn't had any snow!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  7. Congratulations! What lovely snow people, have fun in your 'winter wonderland' x

  8. Hi Helen, Surely you've got it wrong! You can't possibly have been married for 24 years, it feels like it was only yesterday!!! Congratulations to you both anyway :) Have a lovely walk in the snow today..... Isn't it wonderful
    Sue Xxx

  9. HI, Happy Annniversay! Hope you had a lovely day, it's the 23rd anniversay of my hubs and my first date this month, Feb is definately the month of love x

  10. I'm so glad you mentioned fieldfares. I've just googled them and they're what appeared in our field last week for a few days. I wondered what they were because there was a lot of them but I'd not seen them before.


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