Wednesday, 31 August 2011

A bit of a giveaway/competition....

Hello everyone!

To mark the end of the holidays I thought I would come up with a little competion/giveaway for my lovely readers!  A few months ago I was lucky enough to visit one of my favourite countries....ah, but which one?

The blogger to correctly name the country of my visit (photos below) will win one of my handmade lavendar hearts in a colour of your choice! And a couple of other surprise goodies!

Rules (such as they are):
  • you must be a follower of this blog
  • Deadline for entries - midnight on 5th September
  • If more than one blogger names the country correctly, the names will go into the hat (or similar recepticle) and my trusty helper (aka my daughter!) will draw the winner
Clue - its not in Europe.....and thats it!! Simples!!

OK, here goes with the picture clues:

Well, where in the world is it?!

Have fun, and good luck!



  1. It looks like a lovely place wherever it is!!!
    Sue Xxx

  2. I love giveaways but this one is hard! My Algerian husband said it might be Algeria. But then decided no, but it was somewhere near the Med. So I'm going with Jordan! A big guess. But then, could it be Turkey??? :) No, lets go with Jordan!

  3. Morocco.......? Probably wrong!
    Julie xxxxxxx
    ps I was wondering could you email me?

  4. Hi Helen, is it Egypt?
    I got your message over at mine thankyou,I d forgotten all about the seaside swap! So sorry,I 've sent you an e mail,hope you get it ok?love

  5. Thanks for stopping by today :)

    Don't know where in the world you went, but it looks lovely!

    S x


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