Wednesday, 9 February 2011

So Exciting!!

Hi everyone, hope your week is going well.

Im soooooo excited - Im in my first ever blogland swop!!!

Organised by Beki - thanks so much for that.  You can look at her lovely blog from my favourites (ramblings of an everyday mummy).

Im teamed up with Vintage Hearth - again her super blog is on my favourites lists.

Really looking forward to it!!!!!

Here are a few more of my makes, hope you like them.



  1. Hi - Just popping by to say how pleased I am to be paired with you for the swap. If you'd like to send me an email with your details and any likes/dislikes and I'll reply with same. My email is xxx

  2. Hi linda!

    Have just emailed you so please check your inbox!



I love to read your comments!