Tuesday, 30 December 2014

In-between days

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying these in-between days between Christmas and New Year.  As I mentioned yesterday, these are some of my favourite days of the entire year, so I thought I would just share some moments from them.

On Sunday we celebrated my Darling Mum's birthday, she was 89 years young.  We usually put on a slap up meal at our house, but this year, with the ice and snow on the ground, the biting below zero winds, coupled with the fact she has been quite poorly on and off since September, we decided to take the meal to her.  DD baked a beautiful Andalusian lemon cake...

It is made with olive oil instead of butter, and has the zest and juice of two lemons, it is so fresh and light and fluffy...

We had a lovely meal and had a great time together, laughing and reminiscing...she is an amazing lady and very much loved by us all.
It has been lovely to have some time just to "be".  For example, sitting and taking time to look at Christmas decorations...

Loving the flowers that DH bought for me just a day or so before Christmas...

Aren't the glittery pinecones lovely?

And having time to crochet...

Now, this was no ordinary crochet project, oh no.  This was the finishing touches of my 2014 challenge:

Way back on 3rd January 2014 I decided to join in with the blanket challenge that many folks were getting into.  And today I have finally finished it!!!!  Sadly the light now is not good so will have to take a photo and post about it another day, but I am so thrilled that it is completed, and that I stuck with the project throughout the year.  It is the largest blanket I have ever made, and I am already feeling wistful and a bit sad that the challenge is over, so might well have to start another one in the New Year!  I really feel like using a palette of greys and parchment this time.  We shall see!

Well, hopefully back tomorrow with what has become a bit of a blog tradition for me, the review of 2014.

In the meantime, make the most of the holiday!



  1. Looking forward to seeing your finished blanket. The cake looks very very nice.

  2. I wondered about joining this CAL http://www.lookatwhatimade.net
    I look forward to seeing your finished blanket.
    The cake looks gorgeous and good to hear your mum enjoyed it. x

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MAMA! That cake sounds incredible!

    Yes, time to just be! It is my favorite time and I so dread Sunday when we have to go back to school. But this is my last year. I just gotta get through to June.

    Plus, Sunday is my husband's birthday and also the day my son arrives from the States for a 2 week visit.

    Best wishes to you for 2015. I look forward to seeing that blanket. I for one can't stick with anything long term. :)

  4. Your in between time sounds perfect! Suzy x

  5. Good morning Helen! That cake looks delicious. I would like a piece for my breakfast please. :-). Happy 89 to your dear Mother. I hope she will be feeling better very soon.

    I'm also looking forward to seeing your completed blanket. I have been thinking of making one in neutral shades for our bed, but can't I decide on a pattern. Do you have any suggestions?

  6. I like this in between time. Im loving reading some of my new books, doing a bit of crochet, filling in my 2015 diary in readiness for Jan 1. I'm not one to look back over the year but love looking forward - making plans, de cluttering, new projects, small changes here and there. This is
    the cooling down time after Christmas. Yes it's good :))

  7. How lovely spending time togeather, Just perfect. The lemon cake looks wonderful.

  8. It sounds like you're a wonderful daughter to take your party to your Mum. I look forward to seeing your finished blanket.. from the glimpse of it - it looks amazing! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

      *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

  9. Andalusian cake? Never heard of such a thing! I'll have to look it up. It sounds wonderful. Happy b-day to your dear momma! You're a sweet daughter. Can't wait to see your blanket! Very exciting stuff for us crocheters!

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