Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Crochet bracelet

Hello again!

I have been dabbling with crochet again, this time with much finer yarn than I am used to (I am quite impatient so love using chuncky yarn as it grows so quickly!) and made this little bracelet:

A close up of the flower, its a bit blurred but hopefully you can see enough detail:

Im sure it would look much nicer on a younger wrist!!

It was a real delight to make, so Im going to be making some more in different colourways.  I also have another bracelet pattern Im going to try this week, so will post some pics when they are done.

In the meantime, this one is for my dear friend Sue's daughter (who is a lovely friend of my daughter) as I think she will like it.



  1. I am sure it will be appreciated as it is a lovely gift :)

  2. She absolutely adores it, as did her Mother.... I think she thought it was an early birthday present to begin with though :)
    Sue Xx

  3. It's so pretty and the colours are so delicate - I love it!

  4. Very cute, I made one very similar a while back for my little girl.

  5. just lovely !
    So simple but so effective, I really like the "fuzz" in the yarn.

  6. Pink and green just gorgeous, love it.

    Ooh the mind boggles with ideas..........large flowers, small flowers, double flowers.

    I'm sure you'll have fun making a few more,



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