Friday, 12 October 2012

Autumn Views Challenge Week 4 and some thrifty finds

Hi everyone - Friday at last, hurrah!!!!

Lets start off with the latest photo for the Autumn Views Challenge

Definitely less leaves, with the remaining ones on the branch in the foreground beginning to curl up at the edges.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is a photo taken from a footbridge over the many brooks in our town.  The next photo shows the bridge where I take the Autumn View from as there are 2 bridges parellel to each other:

The looks, dear readers, that I get from other on-foot or on-cycle commuters when Im taking pics on my travels into work cause me a great deal of amusement...Im sure you know the kind of looks I mean....

Anyway here are a few more autumnal scenes captured this week on my walk into work:

Anyway, now onto my thrifty finds!  I often read about bloggers who are fortunate enough to find absolutely wonderful and cheap things when nosing around flea markets or charity shops.  Up until recently I had not been so fortunate myself.  But, I very happy to report that my fortunes seem to be changing!

This morning, at 8.15 I happened upon our local flea market just as the stall holders were setting up shop and I spotted this little treasure

Its a Midwinter Sugar Bowl in the Cornfield design - Im so chuffed with it as it appeals to my Autumnal Nature!!

So there I was, happy with myself over this little treasure.  Tootled along to work "well chuffed".  Well, they say lightening doesnt strike twice, but my luck was certainly in twice today... at lunch time I just happened to look in the window of a little charity shop near my workplace and guess what? Another Midwinter find - this time a Biscuit Barrel with Autumnal Rudbeckia flowers as the motif!!

So I was pretty much doing the Snoopy Dance - metaphorically speaking of course, I wouldnt do that in the street....

Anyway, I have used up all my dancing allowance for this week as we had a dance session with our students at work - I now have got the hang of the Macarena and Cha Cha Slide, and have added another routine to my skills portfolio - the Gangnam Style.. oh dear oh dear oh dear, Im getting a bit old for all this....they do say though that you are only as old as you feel...most days thats 26!

Well, after all this excitement I should be putting my feet up with a mug of cocoa and a biccie, but Ive got to do the weekly shop so better sign off for now!

Have a great weekend!



  1. Love the fall leaves photos and congrats on finding such a treasure! I love finding things like that and giving them a new home.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Hurrah for excellent flea markets finds :)

    I aim to take my week 4 photos tomorrow.

    As for the Gangnam Style dance - be careful - I know too well how much damage can be caused by dancing!!

  3. What fun finds, I think your luck is turning in your favor. Good luck with all the dances.

  4. I never did get around to taking Autumn picture, but I think it's a fab idea! Great finds! Have a lovely weekend! Ada :)

  5. Thanks for sharing your reasons for celebrating, Helen. I am sitting here smiling at you as I type:) xx from Gracie

  6. i am taking the autumn views but not got round to posting them. I have just done an autumn walk post though!
    Have a great weekend. xxx

  7. Beautiful photos and some fabulous autumnal finds too. Linda xxx

  8. Hi Helen,love your autumn piccies :) And Your wonderful finds,happy week,love julieXxxx

  9. I too think folk must wonder what the heck I'm taking a photo of sometimes; and why!


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