Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Vintage Christmas Decorations

Hi everyone, hope you are continuing to enjoy the holidays and getting some well earned crafting time!  I really love the time between Christmas and New Year for so many reasons:

  • all my family are on holiday so I can spend time with them, not least DH who usually works away in the week.  He has spent a good deal of time saying "so thats what happens when Im not here".
  • Going out for country walks on a weekday
  • Going to coffee shops
  • Not doing a big supermarket shop!
  • And of course spending time crafting with no big deadlines
  • Knowing that everyone I work with is on holiday as well so nothing building up on my desk while Im away!

I thought to keep in with the season I would share a few vintage decorations with you all.  My darling Mum has the most amazing Christmas tree full of so many memories.  I remember buying this little guy all the way back in 1967..

This green and white striped bauble always makes me smile.  It was bought in a set of 12 from dear old Woolworths back in 1965.  I had just started infant school.  Imagine my horror upon going into the school hall for assembly and spotting the same baubles on the Christmas tree there!!  Surely the headmistress had stolen them from my tree... so I stood up and shouted at her to give them back!!!!  School life went downhill from there really....

This Santa is a bit older, from the 1940's (before my time!!)

The final ornament has a really poignant meaning for my family.  My sister had died in the November, and my brother bought this at Christmas as he said my sister must now look like this

The angel is from the mid fifties - my sister died before I was born.  But is always in our hearts.

Im sure so many of you have treasured ornaments and decorations that hold so many memories.  Would be lovely to hear about some of them!



  1. Since my mum died 7years ago we use her vintage glass baubbles only on our tree with Alex's mums vintage tree lights
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. A very happy 'in between' Christmas and New Year to you Helen!

    I love how your Mum's tree decorations document your life - particularly the Woolworth's bauble story!!


  3. Hi Helen my weight loss thing was from they do tickers for everything. I should really update mine as I've put on a couple of pounds over the holidays but I'm pretending it hasn't happened and am back on the salads!!
    Have a good new year

  4. Our Xmas tree is adorned with things we have bought on holidays.We always try and get something even if it is a bit tacky.They all come out at Xmas and we sit there saying "do you remember when we were in Florence,Dubrovnik,Canterbury etc".Obviously we have baubles ,tinsel etc as well!

  5. Thanks for your comment. I object to paying the price at a lot of houses too. Chatsworth is a great one to visit but I wouldn't go in Winter as most of the rooms are closed, with just the christmas decorated ones open and the gardens don't look very good.

    If you go in spring or summer all the public rooms are open, the garden is worth a visit and there are loads of woodland walks on the estate too. It is a very expensive place - but if you take a packed lunch and try to get hold of a 2 for 1 voucher it's worth going. House and Garden entry is £13 each but Treasure Houses of Englands produce a voucher booklet of 2 for 1 deals each year so I always look out for those - this year I bought 2 vouchers off ebay for £1 each.

  6. Hi Helen,I love all of your vintage decorations,its so lovely that they hold such special memories,too.I hope you have a lovely week,lots of love,juliexxx

  7. I love decorations with memories attached to them - so much better than replacing them each year as some people do!

  8. The decorations are so pretty and it's great that they hold so many memories. I'm slowly building up our own decorations of handmade memories :) x

  9. Helen, I love this post. I used to go to Woolworth's with my Grandmother. She would buy us hot chocolate at the counter...yum. Love your ornaments,

  10. This is a lovely post, that tree must look wonderful with such vintage pieces on it. Thank you for enjoying my blog, it's always nice meeting new bloggers :)

  11. I have had my grand mothers vintage baubles for years, I have not really seen anything like them even at Christmas decoration specialists. They are made of glass and must weight at lease 100-150 grams each. I think they were used on larger trees that what we have.


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