Thursday, 30 June 2011

Summer loveliness

Hi everyone!

Thought I would just post a few pics of summery things that are making me happy at the moment as it is already the last day of June!

Blue sky and roses - what a stunning combination:

Blackberry flowers - little sweet promises of all the lovely fruitfulness to be anticipated in the autumn:

Yummy summery cakes, with home-grown strawberries on the top:

Going, going...

And yes, of course it's gone!!!!

What's been your summer favourites so far this year?



  1. Beautiful Summertime photos Helen, we're half way through completly changing our garden, I'm loving getting up each morning and seeing the little difference that was created the day before - It's taking shape :)

  2. Great photos, oohh can I have some of that lovely looking cake please? ;)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  3. Mmmmm.... cake! Sorry, drooling here! Love the photos especially theone of the roses against the sky, sky that colour is the essence of summer to me

  4. Those roses look amazing against the sky. I love to just feel the sun on my face (though sadly hayfever plus lots of work is keeping me indoors most of the time.) Love the smell of cut grass in the summer though!! x

  5. Lovely pics, of Summers treasures.

    So nice to see them as we enter the second month of Winter here.

    Must remember to plant some strawberries in readiness for Summer. Can't beat picking your own berries. Hope you get a bumper crop of Blackberries in Autumn, they are one of my favourites.

    Have a great weekend,

    Claire :}


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